Our products

Ordering system for restaurants

Use your restaurant's own app that makes customers' lives easier! The application allows customers to order food, reserve a table, browse the menu and pay their bill conveniently. And best of all, the app works on all devices and requires no additional downloads.


Nordantian avulla saat käyttöösi pöytävarausjärjelmän, joka on sekä edullinen että toimiva. Asiakkaasi voivat varata Googlen tai ravintolan verkkosivujen kautta.

Review card

Nordantian Arvostelukortti on innovatiivinen ratkaisu, joka tekee asiakaspalautteen keräämisestä vaivatonta ja nopeaa.

Hyödyntämällä NFC-teknologiaa, asiakkaat voivat antaa arvosteluja yrityksellesi yhdellä napautuksella. Tämä moderni lähestymistapa palautteen keräämiseen parantaa asiakaskokemusta ja tarjoaa yrityksellesi arvokasta tietoa palveluidesi laadusta.

Our clients’ reviews

Murtaza Rahimi
11:56 01 May 23
Professional team,full of knowledge about website of the design,I suggest for other companies (fresh hair cut)
Amir Heidari
15:07 27 Apr 23
Found your online food ordering, it is excellent, same foods but cheaper!
Matin Forouzmehr
16:28 23 Apr 23
I have been using the app, developed by Nordantia Oy, for months now almost replaced other food ordering apps for me. Comes with intuitive user interface and it is also pocket friendly :)) (Same meals with cheaper prices compared to the other apps). Keep the good work up Nordantia!
11:26 23 Apr 23
I´ve been an IT student trainee and Nordantia team was very professional and supporting. I was given a lot of knowledge and practice. Thank you!
19:39 21 Apr 23
Your website service and online food ordering is great!At Marmaris Ravintola we are using it and we recommend it

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